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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1994-11-28  |  327.5 KB  |  1,699 lines  |  [FMPR/FMPR]

  1. HBAM2001MAY84
  2. CD Manager 1.0:*
  3. Ac/dc
  4. 81650-2
  5. Atlantic
  6. About
  7. Bells
  8. Chase
  9. Foundations
  10. Hells
  11. Night
  12. Salute
  13. Shake
  14. Shook
  15. Those
  16. New York
  17. Chicago
  18. 11/28/94
  19. %_COST
  20. %_COUNT
  22. AVG_COST
  27. b    HIGH_COST
  28. I_ARTIST
  29.     I_CATALOG
  32.     I_COMPANY
  33. I_COST
  34. I_DATE
  35. I_FORMAT
  36. I_RATING
  38. I_SONGS
  40. I_TITLE
  41. LOW_COST
  44. N    NUM_SONGS
  47. TOT_COST
  48. K    TOT_COUNT
  49. 521 Cn BT Bold
  50. Tracy
  51. 1976-1983
  52. 1984-1992
  53. Cosmic
  54. Cracked
  55. Earthquakes
  56. Greatest
  57. Illusion
  58. Little
  59. Monster
  60. Ophelia
  61. Shelter
  62. Swamp
  63. Thing
  64. Unplugged
  65. Untitled
  66. Vaseline
  67. Alternative
  68. Modern
  69. Modern Folk
  70. Hard Rock
  71. A    I_CatalogB
  72. I_FormatB
  73. Unknown
  74. I_CommentsB
  75.     A    I_CompanyB
  76. I_RecordedB
  77. I_DateB
  78. I_CostB
  79. I_RatingB
  80.     A&* * * * *
  81. * * * *
  82. * * *
  83. No stars
  84. JA    Tot_CountB
  85. %_CountB
  86. Avg_CostB
  87. Creation_DateB
  88. Modification_DateB
  89. I_SongsB
  90. I_Song_LengthsB
  91. Tot_CD_TimeB
  93.     Helvetica
  94. Geneva
  95. Times
  96. AppleGaramond Lt
  97. Helvetica Compressed
  98. BernhardMod BT Roman
  99. Swis721 BlkEx BT Black
  100. Humanst521 Cn BT Bold
  101. Artist/Band Name
  102. Album Title
  103. Category
  104. Category
  105. Purchase Date
  106. Rating
  107. Created:
  108. Modified:
  109. Deletemm:ss
  111. Control Panel
  112. songs, average 
  113. CD Info
  114. View as List
  115. Total Length 
  116. Rating
  117. E'SORT
  118. ORDER
  119. Click on
  120. any line
  121. to re-sort
  122. Artist/Band
  123. Sorted by Artist/Band
  124. CD_Classifications
  125.     Bat Drive
  126. CD_Classifications
  128. Desktop Folder
  129. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  130. assifications
  131. Artist/Band
  132. Sorted by Artist/Band
  133. Stock #
  134. Label
  135. Year Recorded
  136. E    Purchased
  137. Format
  138. Total Length 
  139. Rating
  140. E'SORT
  141. ORDER
  142. Click on
  143. any line
  144. to re-sort
  145. Artist/Band
  146. Sorted by Artist/Band
  147. Artist/Band
  148. Album Title
  149. Artist/Band
  150. Album Title
  151. Grand Totals
  152. Category
  153. # Discs
  154. Total
  155. Total
  156. Total
  157. Cost per CD
  159. CD Manager
  160. //  ::
  161. Artist/Band
  162. Album Title
  163. Total Length 
  164. Rating
  165. E'SORT
  166. ORDER
  167. Click on
  168. any line
  169. to re-sort
  170. Artist/Band
  171. Sorted by Purch. Date
  172. Category
  173. Purchase Date
  174. CD Content Detail
  175. Title of Track
  176.     Bat Drive
  177. CD_Classifications
  179. Desktop Folder
  180. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  181. assifications
  182. EngraversGothic BT Regular
  183. CD Manager
  184. CD Manager
  185. Artist/Band
  186. Album Title
  187. Stock #
  188. Label
  189. Created:
  190. Modified:
  191. Delete
  192. Currently:  //  ::
  193. FIRST
  194.     Bat Drive
  195. CD_Classifications
  197. Desktop Folder
  198. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  199. assifications
  200. CD_Classifications
  201. Desktop Folder
  202. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  203. assifications
  204. Artist/Band
  205. Album Title
  206. Artist/Band
  207. Album Title
  208. Recorded in
  209. Information
  210. Sheet
  211. S  O  N  G    L  I  S  T
  212. C  O  M  M  E  N  T  S
  213. FORMAT
  214. CD Manager
  215. //  ::
  216. Griff Software
  217. ~ffff
  218. ffffff
  219. ffff33
  220. 33ffff
  221. 33ff33
  222. 3333ff
  223. 333333
  224. ff33ff
  225. ff3333
  226. CD Details - by RatingB
  227. E\Default sort order is by Artist and Title; change the sort order on the CD Details screen...U
  228. Sort Order
  229. Total CD
  230. s in File
  231. Guns@
  232. Tori@
  233. Modern
  234. 1984@
  235. Captain@
  236. Complicated@
  237. Dream
  238. Goin@
  239. Lines@
  240. Liverpool@
  241. Nothing
  242. Rain@
  243. Takes@
  244. Things@
  245. Untitled@
  246. Wanted@
  247. ~ffff
  248. ffffff
  249. ffff33
  250. ff33ff
  251. ff3333
  252. One Line View - by ArtistB
  253. 3333ff
  254. 333333
  255. wwwwww
  256. UUUUUU
  257. DDDDDD
  258. """"""
  259.     Bat Drive
  260. CD_Classifications
  262. Desktop Folder
  263. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  264. assifications
  265.     Bat Drive
  266. CD_Classifications
  268. Desktop Folder
  269. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  270. assifications
  271.     33ff
  272. wwwwww
  273. UUUUUU
  274. DDDDDD
  275. """"""
  276. ff33ff
  277. ff3333
  278. 33ffff
  279. 33ff33
  280. 3333ff
  281. 333333
  282. A    About BoxB
  283. CD Manager
  284. November 27, 1994
  285. List by Artist
  286. View Statistics
  287. Summary by Artist
  288. View CD Info Sheet
  289.  CD Details
  290. Screen
  291. View CD
  292. Statistics
  293. CD Report
  294. by Category
  295. CE]View (and/or print) a detailed, formatted one- page summary for a single CD or group of CD
  296. November 27, 1994
  297. RETURN TO
  299. PRINT
  301. CD Details - by CategoryB
  302. Artist/Band
  303. Album Title
  304. Stock #
  305. CDs by Category
  306. E    Year
  307. Title of Recording&
  308. A    Main MenuB
  309. Currently:  //  ::
  310. FIRST
  311. CD Content Detail
  312. Title of Track
  313. View (and/or print) summary data on costs and counts for the entire CD database.  Includes average cost, and total counts per category.
  314. View (and/or print) a summary report that groups the entire database by category.  Totals and averages are provided for each category.
  315. LElView (and/or print) a summary report listing each CD in the database, along with key data, sorted by artist.
  316. wwwwww
  317. UUUUUU
  318. DDDDDD
  319. """"""
  320. wwwwww
  321. UUUUUU
  322. DDDDDD
  323. """"""
  324. B-52'sB
  325. Cosmic ThingC
  326. AlternativeD
  327. W2 25854E
  328. RepriseJ
  329. 1989K
  330. 11/1/91L
  331. * * *
  332. 118.71
  333. 11/1/91
  334. 11/27/94
  335. Cosmic Thing
  336. Dry Country
  337. Deadbeat Club
  338. Love Shack
  339. Junebug
  340. Bushfire
  341.     Channel Z
  342. Topaz
  343. Follow Your Bliss
  344. 0:47:03
  345. 0:04:42
  346. 10nts
  347. Walk Like An Egyptian
  348. Walking Down Your Street
  349.     Following
  350. Hazy Shade Of Winter
  351. In Your Room
  352. CD Details - by CostB
  353. CD Details - by Artist
  354. One Line View - by Artist
  355. CD Details - by ArtistB
  356. CD Info Sheet
  357. CD Details - by ArtistB
  358. CD Details - by ArtistB
  359. lPATH
  360. +alis
  362. CD_Classifications
  363. User Dictionary
  364. ffffff
  365. ffff33
  366. Artist/Band
  367. Album Title
  368. Artist/Band
  369. Album Title
  370. 3333ff
  371. 333333
  372. 33ffff
  373. 33ff33
  374. Artist/Band
  375. Album Title
  376. Artist/Band
  377. Album Title
  378. Aktexttotime("0:"&numtotext (hour (sum (i_song_lengths) ) )&":"&numtotext (minute (sum (i_song_lengths) ) ) )
  379. ]E0('
  380. ]H0(V
  381. Grand_Total_TimeB
  382. Avg_CD_SongB
  383. Tot_CD_Time/Count (I_Songs)
  384. dA    Num_SongsB
  385. Count (I_Songs)
  386. eA    High_CostB
  387. Low_CostB
  388. lPATH
  389. +alis
  391. wwwwww
  392. UUUUUU
  393. DDDDDD
  394. """"""
  395. lPATH
  396. +alis
  398. CD_Classifications
  399.     Bat Drive
  400. CD_Classifications
  402. Desktop Folder
  403. +Bat Drive:Desktop Folder:CD_ClB
  404. assifications
  405. Humanst521 Cn BT Bold
  406. Griff
  407. Humanst521 Lt BT Light
  408.  1994
  409. Software
  410. Version 1.0
  411. Version 1.0
  412. CD Manager
  413. CD Manager
  414. November 27, 1994
  415. StatisticsB
  416. View (and/or print) a summary report that groups the entire database by artist.  Totals and averages are provided for each artist.
  417. CD Report
  418. in Detail
  419. ElView (and/or print) a summary report listing each CD in the database, along with key data, sorted by artist.
  420. Griff Software
  421. Tot_CostB
  422. GrandTotal_CostB
  423. Summary (Tot_Cost, Tot_Cost)
  424. %_CostB
  425. NumDiscB
  426. GrandTotal_CountB
  427. Summary (Tot_Count, Tot_Count)
  428. %_CountB
  429. Avg_CostB
  430. Creation_DateB
  431. Modification_DateB
  432. I_SongsB
  433. I_Song_LengthsB
  434. Tot_CD_TimeB
  435. Main Dictionary
  436. After
  437. Blind
  438. Blockbuster
  439. Bought
  440. Listening
  441. Minutes
  442. Geffen
  443. Records
  444. Reprise
  445. wwwwww
  446. UUUUUU
  447. DDDDDD
  448. """"""
  449. Artist/Band
  450. Album Title
  451. Stock #
  452. Label
  453. Year Recorded
  454. E    Purchased    
  455. Sorted by Rating
  456. Category
  457. Purchase Date
  458. Rating
  459. Created:
  460. Modified:
  461. Delete
  462. RATING
  463. BOUGHT
  464. Published by
  465. CD Manager
  466. //  ::
  467. Griff Software
  468. Untitled
  469. Violins
  470. Walking
  471. Wanna
  472. What's
  473. Wheels
  474. Where
  475. Winter
  476. Years
  477. 1:07:50
  478. 0:04:31
  479. Ten Thousand ManiacsB
  480. MTV UnpluggedC
  481. Modern FolkD    9 61569-2E
  482. ElektraJ
  483. 1993K
  484. 4/1/94L
  485. H    * * * * *
  486. 118.71
  487. 4/1/94
  488. 11/27/94
  489. These Are Days
  490. Eat For Two
  491. Candy Everybody Wants
  492. I'm Not The Man
  493. Don't Talk
  494. Hey Jack Kerouac
  495. What's The Matter Here?
  496. Gold Rush Brides
  497. Like The Weather
  498. Rating
  499. Number of CDs:
  500. Total Cost:
  501. CD Manager
  502. as of:  //  ::
  503. Griff Software
  504. Sound_ByteB
  505. lPATH
  506. +alis
  508. I_ArtistB
  509. I_TitleB
  510. I_CategoryB
  511.     A!Alternative
  512. Modern Folk
  513. Hard Rock
  514. A    I_CatalogB
  515. I_FormatB
  516.         A!Alternative
  517. Modern Folk
  518. Hard Rock
  519. A    I_CatalogB
  520. I_FormatB
  521. One Line View - by ArtistB
  522. mm:ss
  524. Control Panel
  525. songs, average 
  526. CD Info
  527. View as List
  528. mm:ss
  530. Control Panel
  531. songs, average 
  532. CD Info
  533. View as List
  534. Rating
  535. Number of CDs:
  536. Total Cost:
  537. CD Manager(
  538. E    Page:  ##
  539. Griff Software
  540. Artist/Band
  541. Wanted
  542. Wants
  543. Warning
  544. Wartime
  545. Weather
  546. What's
  547. Wheels
  548. Where
  549. Winter
  550. Worry
  551. Wouldn't
  552. Years
  553. Zimbra
  554. List by Artist
  555. View Statistics
  556. View CD Info Sheet
  557. Summary by Artist
  558. Summary by Category
  559. DelSound
  560.     PlaySound
  561. SortOnArtist
  562. SortOnCategory
  563. SortOnPurchaseDate
  564. SortOnCost
  565. SortOnRating
  566. Refresh
  567. CD Report in Detail
  568.     Main Menu
  569. OpenDBheet
  570. Summary by Artist
  571. Summary by Category
  572. DelSound
  573.     PlaySound
  574. SortOnArtist
  575. SortOnCategory
  576. SortOnPurchaseDate
  577. SortOnCost
  578. SortOnRating
  579. Refresh
  580. CD Report in Detail
  581.     Main Menu
  582. OpenDB
  583. wwwwww
  584. UUUUUU
  585. DDDDDD
  586. """"""
  587. Eternal Flame
  588. Be With You
  589. I'll Set You Free
  590. Everything I Wanted
  591.  Where Were You When I Needed You
  592. 0:47:58
  593. 0:03:25
  594. Brightman, SarahB
  595. DiveC
  596. Modern FolkD
  597. 31454 0083 2E
  598. A&M RecordsJ
  599. 1993K
  600. 9/15/93L
  601. H    * * * * *
  602. 118.71
  603. 9/15/93
  604. CD Detail ReportB
  605. 3333ff
  606. """"""
  607. 333333
  608. Label
  609. Year Recorded
  610. E    Purchased
  611. Format
  612. Total Length 
  613. Rating
  614. E'SORT
  615. ORDER
  616. Click on
  617. any line
  618. to re-sort
  619. Artist/Band
  620. Sorted by Cost
  621. Category
  622. Purchase Date
  623. Rating
  624. Created:
  625. Modified:
  626. DelSound
  627. A    PlaySound
  628. SortOnArtist
  629. SortOnPurchaseDate
  630. SortOnCost
  631. SortOnRating
  632. 33ffff
  633. 33ff33
  634. 3333ff
  635. 333333
  636. 33ffff
  637. 33ff33
  638. 3333ff
  639. 333333
  640. ffffff
  641. ffff33
  642. ff33ff
  643. ff3333
  644. 3333ff
  645. 333333
  646. Refresh
  647. CD Report in Detail
  648. A    Main Menu
  649. OpenDB
  650.     Helvetica
  651. Geneva
  652. Times
  653. AppleGaramond Lt
  654. Helvetica Compressed
  655. BernhardMod BT Roman
  656. Swis721 BlkEx BT Black
  657. Humanst521 Cn BT Bold
  658. Summary by Category
  659. View CD Info Sheet
  660. About
  661. Across
  662. Ain't
  663. America
  664. Angel
  665. Apples
  666. Beacon
  667. Because
  668. Behind
  669. Belfry
  670. Bells
  671. Better
  672. Bitch
  673. Blame
  674. Blind
  675. Bliss
  676. Bones
  677. Brides
  678. Building
  679. Burning
  680. Bushfire
  681. Can't
  682. Candy
  683. Junebug
  684. Leather
  685. Lifetime
  686. Little
  687. CD Report by ArtistB
  688. CD Info SheetB
  689. 33ffff
  690. 33ff33
  691. 3333ff
  692. 333333
  693. Currently:  //  ::
  694. FIRST
  695. CD Content Detailr
  696. Title of Track
  697. mm:ss
  699. Control Panelp
  700. songs, average q
  701. CD Info
  702. ~ffff
  703. ffffff
  704. ffff33
  705. ff33ff
  706. ff3333
  707. 33ffff
  708. 33ff33
  709. 3333ff
  710. 333333
  711. BanglesB
  712. Greatest HitsC
  713. AlternativeD
  714. CK 46125E
  715. ColumbiaJ
  716. 1990K
  717. 3/24/94L
  718. 11.99
  719. * * *
  720. 118.71
  721. 3/24/94
  722. 11/27/94
  723. Hero Takes A Fall
  724. Going Down To Liverpool
  725. Manic Monday
  726. If She Knew What She Wants
  727. Walk Like An Egyptian
  728. Walking Down Your Street
  729.     Following
  730. Hazy Shade Of Winter
  731. In Your Room
  732. DateB
  733. 33ffff
  734. 33ff33
  735. ffffff
  736. ffff33
  737. ff33ff
  738. ff3333
  739. ~ffff
  740. ffffff
  741. ffff33
  742. ff33ff
  743. ff3333
  744. 33ffff
  745. 33ff33
  746. ~ffff
  747. ffffff
  748. ffff33
  749. ff33ff
  750. ff3333
  751. CD Content Detail
  752. Title of Track
  753. mm:ss
  755. Control Panel
  756. songs, average 
  757. CD Info
  758. View as List
  759. CD Report
  760. by Artist
  761. About
  762. CD Manager
  763. View CD
  764. Info Sheets
  765. The primary data management screen.  Use this screen to add, modify, or delete CD
  766. s and/or the
  767. information associated with them.
  768. E]View (and/or print) a detailed, formatted one- page summary for a single CD or group of CD
  769.     33ff
  770. TypeE    Purchased
  771. Format
  772. Total Length 
  773. Rating
  774. E'SORT
  775. ORDER
  776. Click on
  777. any line
  778. to re-sort
  779. Artist/Band
  780. Sorted by Purch. Date
  781. Category
  782. Purchase Date
  783. CD Content Detail
  784. Title of Track
  785. Stock #urchased
  786. Format
  787. Total Length 
  788. Rating
  789. E'SORT
  790. ORDER
  791. Click on
  792. any line
  793. to re-sort
  794. Artist/Band
  795. Sorted by Purch. Date
  796. Category
  797. Purchase Date
  798. CD Content Detail
  799. Title of Track
  800. Label
  801. Year Recorded
  802. E    Purchased
  803. Format
  804. Total Length 
  805. Rating
  806. E'SORT
  807. ORDER
  808. Click on
  809. any line
  810. to re-sort
  811. Artist/Band
  812. Sorted by Purch. Date
  813. Category
  814. Purchase Date
  815. CD Content Detail
  816. Title of Track
  817. wwwwww
  818. UUUUUU
  819. DDDDDD
  820. """"""
  821. SortOnCategory
  822. SortOnPurchaseDate
  823. SortOnCost
  824. SortOnRating
  825. ffffff
  826. ffff33
  827. ff33ff
  828. ff3333
  829. Rating
  830. Created:
  831. Modified:
  832. Delete
  833. Currently:  //  ::
  834. FIRST
  835. CD Content Detail
  836. Title of Track
  837. CD Content Detail
  838. Title of Track
  839. Delete
  840. Currently:  //  ::
  841. FIRST
  842. Title of Track
  843. mm:ss
  845. Control Panel
  846. songs, average 
  847. Elektra
  848. Geffen
  849. Records
  850. Reprise
  851. Warner
  852. Bushfire
  853. Comedy
  854. CDs by Artist
  855. E    Year
  856. Title of Recording
  857. Purch
  858. wwwwww
  859. UUUUUU
  860. DDDDDD
  861. """"""
  862.     33ff
  863.     33ff
  864.  CD Details
  865. Screen
  866. View CD
  867. Statistics
  868. CD Report
  869. by Category
  870. 33ffff
  871. 33ff33
  872. 3333ff
  873. 333333
  874. ~ffff
  875. ffffff
  876. ffff33
  877. ff33ff
  878. ff3333
  879. This Train Revised
  880. 0:51:03
  881. 0:04:38
  882. Lone JusticeB
  883. ShelterC
  884. Modern Folk
  885. CD Info
  886. View as List
  887. wwwwww
  888. UUUUUU
  889. DDDDDD
  890. """"""
  891. One Line View - by ArtistB
  892. Format
  893. Total Length 
  894. Rating
  895. E'SORT
  896. ORDER
  897. Click on
  898. any line
  899. to re-sort
  900. Artist/Band
  901. Sorted by Rating
  902. Category
  903. Purchase Date
  904. Rating
  905. Created:
  906. Modified:
  907. Delete
  908. Sorted by Rating
  909. Category
  910. Purchase Date
  911. Rating
  912. Created:
  913. Modified:
  914. Delete
  915. CD Details - by Purchase DateB
  916. One Line View - by ArtistB
  917. View as List
  918. CD Report by CategoryB
  919. Year Recorded
  920. E    Purchased
  921. Format
  922. Total Length 
  923. Created:
  924. Modified:
  925. Delete
  926. Currently:  //  ::
  927. FIRST
  928. Rating
  929. E'SORT
  930. ORDER
  931. Click on
  932. any line
  933. to re-sort
  934. Artist/Band
  935. Sorted by Category
  936. Created:
  937. Modified:
  938. Delete
  939. Currently:  //  ::
  940. FIRST
  941. Category
  942. Purchase Date
  943. Rating
  944. Created:
  945. Modified:
  946. Delete
  947. Currently:  //  ::
  948. FIRST
  949. Created:
  950. Modified:
  951. Delete
  952. Currently:  //  ::
  953. FIRST
  954. CD Content Detail
  955. Title of Track
  956. mm:ss
  958. Control Panel
  959. songs, average 
  960. Liverpool
  961. Lover
  962. Man's
  963. Manic
  964. Matter
  965. Melody
  966. Memories
  967. Monday
  968. Mother
  969. Mountains
  970. Mystery
  971. Naive
  972. Needed
  973. Night
  974. Noah's
  975. Nothing
  976. Obsession
  977. Original
  978. Painless
  979. Perfect
  980. Phantom
  981. Place
  982. Power
  983. Precious
  984. Psycho
  985. Rains
  986. Reflected
  987. Reunion
  988. Revised
  989. Revolution
  990. Right
  991. River
  992. Running
  993. Salty
  994. Salute
  995. Second
  996. Seven
  997. Shack
  998. Shade
  999. Shake
  1000. She's
  1001. Shelter
  1002. Shook
  1003. Siren
  1004. Sleep
  1005. Slient
  1006. Stand
  1007. Stockton
  1008. Storms
  1009. Strange
  1010. Street
  1011. Sugar
  1012. Swamp
  1013. Warning
  1014. 11/27/94
  1015. Captain Nemo
  1016. The Second Element
  1017. Ship Of Fools
  1018. Once In A Lifetime
  1019.     Cape Horn
  1020. A Salty Dog
  1021. Siren
  1022. Seven Seas
  1023. Johnny Wanna Live
  1024. By Now
  1025. Island
  1026. When It Rains In America
  1027. La Mer
  1028. The Second Element II
  1029. 0:51:43
  1030. 0:03:26
  1031. Chapman, TracyB
  1032. UntitledC
  1033. Modern FolkD    9 60774-2E
  1034. ElektraJ
  1035. 1988K
  1036. 11/14/89L
  1037. * * * *
  1038. 118.71
  1039. 11/14/89
  1040. 11/27/94
  1041. Talkin' Bout A Revolution
  1042. Fast Car
  1043. Across The Lines
  1044. Behind The Wall
  1045. Baby Can I Hold You
  1046. Mountains O' Things
  1047. She's Got Her Ticket
  1048. For My Lover
  1049. If Not Now...
  1050. For You
  1051. 11/27/94
  1052. Right Next Door To Hell
  1053. Dust N' Bonese River
  1054. B-52's
  1055. Bangles
  1056. Blowfish
  1057. Brightman
  1058. Chapman
  1059. Girls
  1060. Hootie
  1061. Indigo
  1062. Roses
  1063. Sarah
  1064. Tracy
  1065. Cosmic
  1066. Cracked
  1067. Earthquakes
  1068. Greatest
  1069. Illusion
  1070. Little
  1071. Thing
  1072. Untitled
  1073. Alternative
  1074. Modern
  1075. 25854
  1076. 31454
  1077. 46125
  1078. 60774-2
  1079. 81650-2
  1080. 82358-2
  1081. 82613-2
  1082. Gefd-24415
  1083. Heaven
  1084. Memories Can't Wait
  1085. I Zimbra
  1086. Once In A Lifetime
  1087. Crosseyed And Painless
  1088. Burning Down The House
  1089. Swamp
  1090. %This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
  1091. 1:12:13
  1092. 0:04:00
  1093. Talking HeadsB Sand In The Vaseline - 1984-1992C
  1094. AlternativeD
  1095. 26760-2 Disc 2E
  1096. SireJ
  1097. 1992K
  1098. 6/28/93L
  1099. Gold Rush Brides
  1100. Like The Weather
  1101. Live And Let Die
  1102. Don't Cry (Original)
  1103. Perfect Crime
  1104. You Ain't The First
  1105. Bad Obsession
  1106. Back Off Bitch
  1107. Double Talkin' Jive
  1108. November Rain
  1109. The Garden
  1110. Garden Of Eden
  1111. Don't Damn Me
  1112. Bad Apples
  1113. Dead Horse
  1114. 4/17/89
  1115. 11/27/94
  1116. I Found Love
  1117. Shelter
  1118. Reflected (on My Side)
  1119. Beacon
  1120. Wheels
  1121. Belfry
  1122. 'Dreams Come True (stand Up And Take It)
  1123. The Gift
  1124. Inspiration
  1125. Dixie Stormser
  1126. Halen
  1127. Heads
  1128. Hootie
  1129. Indigo
  1130. Justice
  1131. Maniacs
  1132. Roses
  1133. Sarah
  1134. Talking
  1135. Thousand
  1136. 1984-1992
  1137. Cosmic
  1138. Cracked
  1139. Earthquakes
  1140. Greatest
  1141. Illusion
  1142. Little
  1143. Monster
  1144. Ophelia
  1145. Shelter
  1146. Swamp
  1147. Thing
  1148. Untitled
  1149. Vaseline
  1150. Alternative
  1151. Modern
  1152. 0:35:51
  1153. 0:03:15
  1154. Guns N' RosesB
  1155. Use Your Illusion IC    Hard RockD
  1156. GEFD-24415E
  1157. GeffenJ
  1158. 1991K
  1159. 6/28/93L
  1160. 118.71
  1161. 6/28/93
  1162. 11/27/94
  1163. Right Next Door To Hell
  1164. Dust N' Bones
  1165. 0:44:03
  1166. 0:04:24
  1167. MonsterC
  1168. AlternativeD    9 45740-2E
  1169. Warner BrothersJ
  1170. 1994K
  1171. 9/30/94L
  1172. 12.99
  1173. * * *
  1174. 118.71
  1175. 9/30/94
  1176. 11/27/94
  1177. What's The Frequency Kenneth?
  1178. Crush With Eyeliner
  1179. King Of Comedy
  1180. I Don't Sleep, I Dream
  1181. Star 69
  1182. Strange Currencies
  1183. Tongue
  1184. Bang And Blame
  1185. I Took Your Name
  1186.     Let Me In
  1187. Circus Envy Sign
  1188. The Big Country
  1189. Take Me To The River
  1190. CDs by Artist (Detail)
  1191. Artist/Band
  1192. Title of Recording
  1193. E    Purchased
  1194. Rating
  1195. CD Manager
  1196. //  ::
  1197. Griff Software
  1198. AC/DCB
  1199. Who Made WhoC    Hard RockD    7 81650-2E
  1200. AtlanticJ
  1201. 1986K
  1202. 11/6/89
  1203. 0:04:44
  1204. About
  1205. Across
  1206. Ain't
  1207. America
  1208. Angel
  1209. Complicated
  1210. Cosmic
  1211. Country
  1212. Crime
  1213. Crosseyed
  1214. Crucify
  1215. Crush
  1216. Currencies
  1217. Deadbeat
  1218. Dixie
  1219. Don't
  1220. Double
  1221. Dream
  1222. yptian
  1223. Element
  1224. Eternal
  1225. Everything
  1226. Eyeliner
  1227. First
  1228. Flame
  1229. Follow
  1230. Following
  1231. Fools
  1232. Found
  1233. Foundations
  1234. Frequency
  1235. Fugitive
  1236. Garden
  1237. 0:49:11
  1238. 0:04:05
  1239. Talking HeadsB Sand In The Vaseline - 1976-1983C
  1240. AlternativeD
  1241. 26760-2 Disc 1E
  1242. SireJ
  1243. 1992K
  1244. 6/28/93L
  1245. * * * *
  1246. 118.7127/94
  1247. Sugar On My Tongue
  1248. I Want To Live
  1249. Love -> Building On Fire
  1250. I Wish You Wouldn't Say That
  1251. Psycho Killer
  1252.  Don't Worry About The Government
  1253. No Compassion
  1254. Warning Sign
  1255. The Big Country
  1256. Take Me To The River
  1257. Trouble Me
  1258. Jezebel
  1259. Because The Night
  1260. Stockton Gala Days
  1261. Noah's Dove
  1262. 1:00:03
  1263. 0:04:17
  1264. A    Van HalenB
  1265. 1984C    Hard RockD
  1266. 23985-2E
  1267. Warner BrothersJ
  1268. 1984K
  1269. 5/10/92L
  1270. 13.99
  1271. * * *
  1272. 118.71
  1273. 5/10/92
  1274. 11/27/94
  1275. Panama
  1276. Modern
  1277. Shelter
  1278. Justice
  1279. Shelter
  1280. Worth
  1281. Atlantic
  1282. Brothers
  1283. Columbia
  1284. Elektra
  1285. Geffen
  1286. Records
  1287. Reprise
  1288. Warner
  1289. Pro 2.0F!
  1290. Pro 2.0 - 2.1I
  1291. * * *
  1292. 118.71
  1293. 11/6/89
  1294. 11/27/94
  1295. Who Made Who
  1296. You Shook Me All Night Long
  1297. D. T.
  1298. Sink The Pink
  1299. Ride On
  1300. Hells Bells
  1301. Shake Your Foundations
  1302. Chase The Ace
  1303. \    (For Those About To Rock ( We Salute You)
  1304. 0:38:06
  1305. 0:04:14
  1306. Amos, ToriB
  1307. Little EarthquakesC
  1308. AlternativeD
  1309. 82358-2E
  1310. AtlanticJ
  1311. 1991K
  1312. 10/4/92L
  1313. * * * *
  1314. 118.71
  1315. 10/4/92
  1316. 11/27/94
  1317. 0:04:44
  1318. Captain
  1319. Channel
  1320. Chase
  1321. China
  1322. Circus
  1323. Comedy
  1324. Compassion
  1325. Deadbeat
  1326. Don't
  1327. Double
  1328. Dreams
  1329. Drowning
  1330. Earthquakes
  1331. Egyptian
  1332. Element
  1333. Eternal
  1334. Everything
  1335. First
  1336. Flame
  1337. Follow
  1338. Following
  1339. Fools
  1340. Found
  1341. Foundations
  1342. Fugitive
  1343. Garden
  1344. * * *
  1345. 118.71
  1346. 6/28/93
  1347. 11/27/94
  1348. Life During Wartime (Live)
  1349. Girlfriend Is Better (Live)
  1350. And She Was
  1351. Stay Up Late
  1352. Road To Nowhere
  1353. Wild Wild Life
  1354. Love For Sale
  1355. City Of Dreams
  1356. \        Mr. Jones
  1357. Blind
  1358. (Nothing But) Flowers
  1359. Sax And Violins
  1360. Gangster Of Love
  1361. Litetime Piling Up
  1362. Popsicle
  1363. 1:07:50
  1364. 0:04:31
  1365. Gold Rush Brides
  1366. Like The Weather
  1367. Takes
  1368. Talkin
  1369. Teacher
  1370. These
  1371. Thing
  1372. Nothing
  1373. November
  1374. Nowhere
  1375. Obsession
  1376. Original
  1377. Painless
  1378. Panama
  1379. Perfect
  1380. Phantom
  1381. Piling
  1382. Place
  1383. Popsicle
  1384. Power
  1385. Precious
  1386. Psycho
  1387. Modern
  1388. 23985-2
  1389. 24122-2
  1390. 25854
  1391. 26760-2
  1392. 31454
  1393. 45740-2
  1394. 46125
  1395. 81650-2
  1396. 82358-2
  1397. 82613-2
  1398. Horse
  1399. House
  1400. Inspiration
  1401. Island
  1402. Jezebel
  1403. Jimmy
  1404. Johnny
  1405. Jones
  1406. Junebug
  1407. Kenneth
  1408. Kerouac
  1409. Killer
  1410. Language
  1411. Least
  1412. Leather
  1413. Lifetime
  1414. Those
  1415. Wants
  1416. Warning
  1417. 8W%Q6W0U
  1418. 8W%Q6W0U
  1419.     Helvetica
  1420. Geneva
  1421. Times
  1422. AppleGaramond Lt
  1423. Helvetica Compressed
  1424. BernhardMod BT Roman
  1425. Swis721 BlkEx BT Black
  1426. Humanst521 Cn BT Bolda Compressed
  1427. BernhardMod BT Roman
  1428. Swis721 BlkEx BT Black
  1429. Humanst521 Cn BT Bold
  1430. Ophelia
  1431. Shelter
  1432. Swamp
  1433. Thing
  1434. Unplugged
  1435. Untitled
  1436. Vaseline
  1437. Alternative
  1438. Modern
  1439. 23985-2
  1440. 24122-2
  1441. 25854
  1442. 26760-2
  1443. 31454
  1444. 45740-2
  1445. 46125
  1446. 57621
  1447. 60774-2
  1448. 61569-2
  1449. 81650-2
  1450. 82358-2
  1451. 82613-2
  1452. Lines
  1453. Litetime
  1454. Little
  1455. Topaz
  1456. Touch
  1457. Train
  1458. Trees
  1459. Trouble
  1460. Untitled
  1461. Violins
  1462. Walking
  1463. Wanna
  1464. Wanted
  1465. Wants
  1466. Warning
  1467. Wartime
  1468. Weather
  1469. s, at a total cost of
  1470. Total:
  1471. AC/DCB
  1472. Who Made WhoC    Hard RockD    7 81650-2E
  1473. AtlanticJ
  1474. 1986K
  1475. 11/6/89    Hard RockD    7 81650-2E
  1476. AtlanticJ
  1477. 1986K
  1478. 11/6/89
  1479. Dream
  1480. Dreams
  1481. Drowning
  1482. During
  1483. Earthquakes
  1484. Egyptian
  1485. Element
  1486. Eternal
  1487. Everybody
  1488. Everything
  1489. Eyeliner
  1490. First
  1491. Flame
  1492. Flowers
  1493. Follow
  1494. Following
  1495. Fools
  1496. Found
  1497. Foundations
  1498. Frequency
  1499. Fugitive
  1500. Gangster
  1501. Garden
  1502. Girlfriend
  1503. Modern
  1504. 23985-2
  1505. 24122-2
  1506. 25854
  1507. 26760-2
  1508. 31454
  1509. 45740-2
  1510. 46125
  1511. 57621
  1512. 60774-2
  1513. 61569-2
  1514. 81650-2
  1515. 82358-2
  1516. 82613-2
  1517. Gefd-24415
  1518. Horse
  1519. House
  1520. Inspiration
  1521. Island
  1522. Jezebel
  1523. Jimmy
  1524. Johnny
  1525. Things
  1526. Those
  1527. Ticket
  1528. Tongue
  1529. Topaz
  1530. Touch
  1531. Train
  1532. Trees
  1533. Trouble
  1534. Where
  1535. Winter
  1536. Years
  1537. Crucify
  1538. Slient All These Years
  1539. Precious Things
  1540. Winter
  1541. Happy Phantom
  1542. China
  1543. Leather
  1544. Mother
  1545. Tear In Your Hand
  1546. Me And A Gun
  1547. Little Earthquakes
  1548. 0:56:54
  1549. 0:04:44
  1550. 10:14
  1551. 1:16:04
  1552. 0:04:45
  1553. Hootie And The BlowfishB
  1554. Cracked Rear ViewC
  1555. AlternativeD
  1556. 82613-2E
  1557. AADFCBought blind after listening to a few minutes worth in Blockbuster.I
  1558. AtlanticJ
  1559. 1994K
  1560. 10/15/94L
  1561. 11.99
  1562. H    * * * * *
  1563. 4/17/89
  1564. 11/27/94
  1565. I Found Love
  1566. Shelter
  1567. Reflected (on My Side)
  1568. Beacon
  1569. Wheels
  1570. Belfry
  1571. 'Dreams Come True (stand Up And Take It)
  1572. The Gift
  1573. Inspiration
  1574. Dixie Storms
  1575. Going
  1576. Goodbye
  1577. Government
  1578. Hannah
  1579. Happy
  1580. Heaven
  1581. Hells
  1582. Night
  1583. Noah's
  1584. Nothing
  1585. November
  1586. Nowhere
  1587. 118.71
  1588. 10/15/94
  1589. 11/27/94
  1590. Hannah Jane
  1591. Hold My Hand
  1592. Let Her Cry
  1593. Only Wanna Be With You
  1594. Running From An Angel
  1595. I'm Goin' Home
  1596. Drowning
  1597. \        Look Away
  1598. Not Even The Trees
  1599. 0:46:36
  1600. 0:03:53
  1601. 4/17/89
  1602. 11/27/94
  1603. I Found Love
  1604. Shelter
  1605. Reflected (on My Side)
  1606. Beacon
  1607. Wheels
  1608. Belfry
  1609. 'Dreams Come True (stand Up And Take It)
  1610. The Gift
  1611. Inspiration
  1612. Dixie Storms
  1613. Goodbye
  1614. Untitled
  1615. 0:46:36
  1616. 0:03:53
  1617. Indigo GirlsB
  1618. Swamp OpheliaC
  1619. Modern FolkD
  1620. EK 57621E
  1621. EPICJ
  1622. 1994K
  1623. 9/30/94L
  1624. 12.99
  1625. * * * *
  1626. 118.71
  1627. 9/30/94
  1628. 11/27/94
  1629. Fugitive
  1630. Least Complicated
  1631. Language Or The Kiss
  1632. Reunion
  1633. Power Of Two
  1634. Touch Me Fall
  1635. The Wood Sons
  1636. Mystery
  1637. Dead Man's Hill
  1638. Fare Thee Well
  1639. Lone JusticeB
  1640. ShelterC
  1641. Modern FolkDixie Storms
  1642.     Top Jimmy
  1643. Drop Dead Legs
  1644. Hot For Teacher
  1645.     I'll Wait
  1646. Girl Gone Bad
  1647. House Of Pain
  1648. 0:33:22
  1649. 0:03:42
  1650. Ac/dc
  1651. B-52's
  1652. Bangles
  1653. Brightman
  1654. Sarah
  1655. Chapman
  1656. Tracy
  1657. Roses
  1658. Hootie
  1659. Blowfish
  1660. Indigo
  1661. Girls
  1662. Justice
  1663. Modern
  1664. Shelter
  1665. Justice
  1666. Shelter
  1667. 6/28/93
  1668. 11/27/94
  1669. Sugar On My Tongue
  1670. I Want To Live
  1671. Love -> Building On Fire
  1672. I Wish You Wouldn't Say That
  1673. Psycho Killer
  1674.  Don't Worry About The Government
  1675. No Compassion
  1676. Warning Sign
  1677. The Big Country
  1678. Take Me To The River
  1679. One Line View - by ArtistB
  1680. D    9 24122-2E
  1681. GeffenJ
  1682. 1986K
  1683. 4/17/89L
  1684. 12.62
  1685. * * *
  1686. 118.71
  1687. 4/17/89
  1688. 11/27/94
  1689. I Found Love
  1690. Shelter
  1691. Reflected (on My Side)
  1692. Beacon
  1693. Wheels
  1694. Belfry
  1695. 'Dreams Come True (stand Up And Take It)
  1696. The Gift
  1697. Inspiration
  1698. Dixie Storms